To The Point: state budget and conferences on Mackinac Island


MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. (WOOD) – A state budget deal is finally done – or is it?

“We have negotiated all the budget items that are reflected in this budget. We have agreed on the vast majority of them. Some we don’t agree with. It’s okay, ”Governor Gretchen Whitmer said.

House Speaker Jason Wentworth R-Farwell says the Legislature has put together the best budget it can get.

“I think we’ve put together the best possible budget for the state of Michigan and what we’ve heard from people across the state,” Wentworth said. “I hope (Whitmer) will make the right decision and sign the budget.”

In addition, coverage of two major conferences on Mackinac Island. Everything is covered in this episode “To The Point” from the weekend of September 18th.

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